Street Shows

We are currently on tour with our aerial acrobatics show Trashpeze and our small venue show Grandesque


Aerial acrobatics show with three big personalities

One has her nose buried in a notebook and doesn’t want to participate. Another has so much energy it sometimes goes a bit too far. The third is just trying to make everything work, while looking great of course. Things escalate quickly when these three personalities are doing a show together. The one thing they all share, a love for a good joke.

Trashpeze offers explosive female energy high in the air. Three original acts on the triple trapeze and cloud swing carry through a story of learning how to work together. The aerial acrobatics sensation
has toured around the world for example in Japan, Australia, South-Africa, Singapore and South Korea.

Technical information

Length: 30 minutes
Disciplines: Triple trapeze, cloud swing, dance trapeze

Artists: 3

Target audience: Everyone, suitable for children and adults

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The biggest little circus

Grandesque invites the audience to the wonderful world of the traditional circus. The stage is filled by a lion tamer, a strong woman and a magician with her assistant. However, not everything is as it seems. Lion taming doesn't go exactly according to the plan, and something extraordinary is found under the magician's cape. How did the strong woman get her strength?

Grandesque plays with the conventions of circus. It is well suited as a link on the way from a traditional circus to modern circus. The show has recognizable elements of  circus, but its style and techniques utilize diverse artistic tools. The show is built around circus characters and is humurous and family friendly.

Technical information

Length: 30 minutes

Venue: Indoor and outdoor

Space requirements: 3m height, 6m x 6m stage
Disciplines: Skipping ropes, dance acrobatics, comedy magic, human pyramids

Artists: Jaimee Allen, Valpuri Kaarninen, Maria Peltola

Target audience: Everyone, suitable for children and adults

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We are in creation of Hot and Cold,

set to premiere in 2025

Hot & Cold

All new aerial show

If a lion and a bear fought, which one would win? Does snowboarding beat surfing? How to dress in -30 degrees? What about  in 40 degree heat?  Finland and South Africa are located on the same meridians, but the distance from north to south is 12,000 kilometers. Where Finland is a Nordic  state with a homogeneous unified culture, South Africa is a culturally rich African country recovering from it's past. 

In the  performance, we compare our group’s domestic perceptions of culture, weather, time, people’s personalities and society. We lead the viewer on a half around the world trip to Finland and South Africa.  The performance is executed by 3 women and it includes for example triple trapeze, cloude swing, dance triple trapeze and straps.

Peculiar Nordic and South African humor are combined with dazzling tricks. Heavy metal collides with house music and Finnish melancholy encounters South African energy. How do Finns do the South African pantsula dance? What about a South African skiing? What do the sauna and the traffic jam in South Africa have in common?